Full Body Workouts: Pros & Cons

yooo new blog post every Sunday at like 8am ish.

What’s a Full Body Workout

Dude read the title, it’s not that complicated. A full body workout is exactly what it sounds like. You complete a workout where you’re pretty much working the entire body. In other words, you’re working out all the different muscle groups in your body.

My Example Full Body Workout

Here’s a full body workout I did a few days ago.

  • Shoulders: Barbell Press (135lbs x AMRAP)
  • Hamstrings: Conventional Deadlift (405lbs x AMRAP)
  • Chest: Bench Press (225lbs x AMRAP)
  • Lats: Lat Pulldown Machine (100 total reps, any amount of sets x reps)
  • Traps: Barbell Shrugs (Work up to 405lbs, then AMRAP)
  • Triceps: (10 x 10)
  • Forearms / Biceps: Hammer Curls (60 Total Reps, any amount of sets x reps)

Then I had some optional exercises at the end of my workout. I always add optional exercises. They’re optional because some days I finish my workout early or I have extra energy. I use that time to do a few extra exercises if I feel like it.

  • (Optional) Quads: Leg Press
  • (Optional) Abs: Cable Crunches
  • (Optional) Shoulders: Side Raises

Different Workout Splits

There’s a ton of different workout splits out there. Here’s a few examples of some workout splits you’ve probably heard of. And in case you didn’t know yet, workout splits are just different muscle groups you can workout on different days.

  • Push, pull, legs
  • Upper body, lower body
  • Chest day, back day, arm day, leg day, etc
  • Full body

There’s different workout splits because people prefer to workout specific muscle groups that enjoy working out. Another reason for different splits, is that some splits work better for certain people.

Before the Pros & Cons

There’s some basic info you need to know that’s important for any split, no matter what you choose. Every time you workout a muscle group, that muscle group needs around 48 hours to completely heal. That means, if you workout chest on Monday, you shouldn’t workout chest again until at least Thursday.

With that being said, you have to schedule your workouts accordingly so that you always give your muscle groups enough time to properly heal.

That’s why full body workouts work really well. You can simply workout the entire body on Monday. Take two days off. Come back on Thursday & do the same thing again.

The Pros & Cons

Full body has been one of my favorite splits for a few years now. I’ll go through the pros & cons behind why.


  • Only have to workout every 2 days
  • I can activate the muscle every 2 days which leads to the most volume throughout the week, then the month, & finally the entire year
  • My body heals faster since I don’t dedicate an entire day to destroying my chest for example (I do one chest exercise instead & move onto the next muscle group)
  • It’s fun since I get to do many different muscle groups & exercises


  • If you’re not fast, this shit takes a long time. You’re working a lot of muscle groups, which means a lot of different exercises. I’ve been doing them for a long time, so I’ve cut it down to an hour at the fastest, but if I’m having a slow day, I’ve had full body workouts last up to 3 hours.
  • Less of a pump feeling since you’re not focusing on one single muscle group
  • If you’re trying to PR on a exercise, you have to put it at the beginning of your workout because you’ll be tired by the end since full body is hard as fuck
  • Can be hard to focus since you’re switching muscle groups a lot


It’s easy to understand the pros & cons of a workout split on paper. On the other hand, it’s hard to understand how the pros & cons affect you, unless you try a full body workout yourself.

So Here’s What I Recommend

The only thing I can really recommend is to just simply try it yourself. Choose the muscle groups you want to work on. Choose exercises for each muscle group & try a workout.

Some Tips

I don’t workout muscle groups I don’t care about growing or improving. For example, I never train calves, obliques & I rarely train neck. Although you should train neck as often as possible.

Now Here’s the Different Muscle Groups

Okay, I’ll list all the different muscle groups now so you can have an idea of what muscle groups you want to workout.

  • Chest
  • Forearms
  • Lats
  • Middle Back
  • Lower Back
  • Neck
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves
  • Triceps
  • Traps
  • Shoulders
  • Abs
  • Glutes
  • Biceps

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