(Book Review) Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

New blog post every sunday yo – like 8am ish

In Today’s Blog Post:

Here’s a short review on a book I read a few weeks ago, maybe 2 months ago or something. Here’s a YouTube summary of the book if you’re into that. There’s also a link to the book on Amazon if you’re into that also. THERE’S ALSO SOME STUPID SLEEP MEMES.

What did you already know about this book’s subject before you read this book?

I always knew sleep was important, but I never learned how important sleep really was until after I read this book. In fact, it was honestly scary learning how important sleep was in our lives. I learned about the many, many dangers that come with not getting enough sleep. Even something small like one night of bad sleep during the entire week can mess you up pretty bad.

I knew that the average healthy adult needed around 7 – 9 hours of sleep. I knew that people sleep in different circadian rhythms (sleeping during different times of the day, AKA morning vs evening sleepers). I knew that your phone keeps you up at night. I knew that any form of blue light keeps you up at night. I knew a few other things, but not much.

What new things did you learn?

The main takeaways I got from this book was how dangerous a lack of sleep was for your mental & physical health in both the short term & long term. I also learned a few more techniques to get better sleep.

What questions do you still have?

A lot of the questions I had going into this book were answered. So I don’t have many questions really. I know how to get good sleep now, but I’m just having trouble implementing the strategies. I still sleep pretty late some nights, so I guess it’s just habit building.

What else have you read on this topic, and would you recommend this book to others?

I’ve read multiple articles & blog post about perfecting our sleep patterns for better efficiency, but I haven’t read any other books on the topic. I’ve watched a lot of YouTube on the topic of how sleep affects our lives though.

What do you think about the author’s research? Was it easy to see where the author got his or her information? Were the sources credible?

I would guess about 90% of the sources were from the author himself, from my memory. Most of his sleep research was actually done by himself & his teams. He’s done lots & lots of different sleep experiments & I would say he’s the most researched & well known on the topic itself.

Click here to see the book on Amazon.

One thought on “(Book Review) Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

  1. How are you, Syreese? Hope all is well to you, Alexia and your Mom. Always take care specially the COVID-19 has more cases in WA…love Ninang


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