How I Keep My Email Box Completely Empty

New post every sunday at 8am sometimes

Let’s just be honest, a lot of peoples’ inboxes are full of complete garbage. I mean, literally, full of nonsensical garbage that is never going to get read or deleted. Not mine though. My inbox is perfect. I mean, check out this screenshot. There’s like nearly nothing there. I literally have two emails. My “Social” and “Promotions” tab are completely empty.

How to Keep Your Inbox Clean Like Mine

1. Always delete emails you’ve already read or emails that aren’t important

Listen, there’s no reason to keep any emails around if they’re not important. Just delete them if you’ve read them already. If you aren’t planning on reading them anytime soon, delete them also.

2. Always mark companies as “spam” or “unsubscribe” from them

In Google Gmail at least, you’re able to mark companies as “spam” or “unsubscribe” from those emails. You should try to unsubscribe before trying to mark them as “spam” as it’s bad for the company’s reputation. Unsubscribing means you won’t get any similar emails from the company that sent you that email. You can usually scroll near to the bottom of an email to find the “unsubscribe” button. As a last resort, you can mark an email company as spam if you can’t find the “unsubscribe” button.

3. Try not to save anything

Too many people save (or star) their emails because they think they’re important and they will need them later. Look, if you REALLY think you’ll need the email in the near future, go ahead and star it. If you don’t think you’ll need the email in the next few months, go ahead and take a screenshot of the contents and simply save the screenshots to your Google Drive, Google Photos or phone’s camera roll or something. You’ll be fine.

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