Benefits of Cleaning Your House Daily

New blog posts sometimes… usually around 8am on sundays, but no promises…

Short Intro

Cleaning sucks. Cleaning sucks for some people, that is. For others, including myself, cleaning is actually relaxing. It’s a relief from playing video games all day or spending the day at work. Cleaning is only a relief though when you’re just tiding up. If you’re cleaning a week’s worth of dishes or cleaning out the garage that’s been sitting for months, well that shit is different. That is not fun. You probably don’t look forward to that type of cleaning.

Cleaning is fun when you only have to clean a little bit. It’s fun when it makes you happy after because that once dirty space in now clean.

The Benefits

It’s Clean Obviously

Who want’s to live somewhere messy? Nobody. Clean daily and you’ll always have a clean living area. I’m not saying do a deep clean of the entire house, but simply do a bit of cleaning every day to keep the place maintained.

2. Better Mood

I’m pretty sure in most cases, if you’re body is in a disgusting place that doesn’t feel clean, your brain is going to coincide with those same feelings. In other words, if you’re living in a pigsty you’re probably either going to be along the lines of depressed or at the very minimum, grossed out.

3. Less Stress

This kind of goes with better mood, honestly. The cleaner it is, the less stress you should have because it’s simply not messy. That one is kind of logical. Probably skip this step.

4. Cleaning Daily Is Easier Than Doing a Lot of Cleaning Every Once in Awhile

We know people who do this. I know people who do this. You probably know people who do this. There are people in the world who for some reason, need their area to become absolutely terrible before they do even a little of cleaning. They let it pile up instead of taking care of the mess now. This is gross. This is not productive.

Instead, just clean a bit every day and keep your home maintained. I promise you it’s easier than doing a ton of cleaning every once in awhile. Here’s some daily cleaning I do every day that keeps our home pretty clean.

Cleaning Routine


  • Clean bathtub, toilet & bathroom sink
  • Thorough vacuum of entire house
  • Sometimes sweep porch


  • Wash bed sheets, pillow sheets & blankets
  • Quick clean of dog bed
  • Deep clean top of electrical over from weeks worth of cooking


  • Wake up
  • Pickup dog toys and dog mess
  • Pickup general stuff (couch pillows, TV remotes, leftover plates from dinner, etc.)
  • Cleanup my desk area (put headphones away, put notebooks away, etc)
  • Put dry dishes away
  • Wash new dirty dishes
  • Spray and wipe down counter tops and oven
  • Quick vacuum of living room & kitchen with Dyson using hardwood attachment (always vacuum last because all the shit that ends up on the floor from previous cleaning)

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