Benefits of Cleaning Your House Daily

New blog posts sometimes… usually around 8am on sundays, but no promises… Short Intro Cleaning sucks. Cleaning sucks for some people, that is. For others, including myself, cleaning is actually relaxing. It’s a relief from playing video games all day or spending the day at work. Cleaning is only a relief though when you’re justContinue reading “Benefits of Cleaning Your House Daily”

How I Keep My Email Box Completely Empty

New post every sunday at 8am sometimes Let’s just be honest, a lot of peoples’ inboxes are full of complete garbage. I mean, literally, full of nonsensical garbage that is never going to get read or deleted. Not mine though. My inbox is perfect. I mean, check out this screenshot. There’s like nearly nothing there.Continue reading “How I Keep My Email Box Completely Empty”

How Much I Make Driving Doordash

new post like around 8am like mostly on sundays #Quarantine2020 With the Corona Virus literally taking over the US these past couple months, everything has been locked down. Seriously, like everything has been pretty much closed or limited to very few people. They closed all the gyms. They closed the library. They pretty much closedContinue reading “How Much I Make Driving Doordash”

Life Hack: Get Free Soda Everytime at Any Fast Food Place

new blogs every sunday @ 8am ISH Hey Guys – Want Free Soda? Here’s how to get free soda every time you stop by at a fast food joint. Buy or “BORROW” a soda cup (any size is cool of course) Save your soda cup by throwing it in the back of your trunk ComeContinue reading “Life Hack: Get Free Soda Everytime at Any Fast Food Place”

Websites You Can Use to Create a Free Website

New blog post & stuff every Sunday & stuff at like 8am Intro-duc-tion Websites are pretty essential nowadays. Everything business typically has a website. AND OF COURSE, you aren’t someone important unless you have a website too, right? Yeah, that’s right. So with that being said, here’s a few different websites & tools you canContinue reading “Websites You Can Use to Create a Free Website”

The “Woke” YouTuber You Need to Be Watching

New blog post every Sunday boiiii (8am) Quick Intro One of this guy’s old YouTube videos where he randomly shaves his head while ranting about problems of today’s society popped into my YouTube feed about two years ago. It was hilarious because he didn’t even mention anything about shaving his head while ranting. He justContinue reading “The “Woke” YouTuber You Need to Be Watching”

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