Why I Quit Coffee

Let’s Get Things Straight Coffee is amazing & it’s benefits are comparable to any other plant based drug out there. It’s many beneficial properties help many people around the world thrive on a day to day basic while keeping the cost of consumption down. “Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks?” Steven Wright It’s basically aContinue reading “Why I Quit Coffee”

My Notion Setup: The World’s Best To-do List App

Why I Use Notion I’ve used a lot of different note taking & to-do list methods over the years. I’ve used to-do list apps like Trello & Google Todos. I’ve used a to-do list app that turns your to-do list into an RPG game (Habitica). I’ve done basic to-do list on paper. I’ve used bulletContinue reading “My Notion Setup: The World’s Best To-do List App”

An Interview: My Girlfriend, Alexia Gonzalez

Today’s Interview Today, I’ll be interviewing my girlfriend Alexia with a few cool questions I thought of and also found off the internet for some brief inspiration. They’re nothing serious, but I do think they’re some fun questions to read into. What Is The Scariest Experience You Have Ever Had? Probably the car accident IContinue reading “An Interview: My Girlfriend, Alexia Gonzalez”

Phone Tour: Checkout the Apps I Use to Stay Focused and Distracted Free

Home Screen As you can see, there’s absolutely nothing on it. I try to keep my phone as clear as possible. That means having absolutely nothing on the home screen. To view apps, all you have to do is swipe up and it’ll lead you to my app drawer. The Symbol The symbol on myContinue reading “Phone Tour: Checkout the Apps I Use to Stay Focused and Distracted Free”

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