My Bulking Plan (3 Months)


With the new year starting, I had to formulate a plan for my workouts. I always plan some type of workout program that usually last a few months & they’re always something new & different. This program is super basic & it’s designed to get me back into the gym & get me some progress ASAP as I just finished an eight month break from working out.

The Basics / Getting Into the Program

So now I’ll just do a brief overview of what the program is before I dive into explaining everything fully.

  • 6 days a week
  • Push, pull, legs, push, pull, legs, rest day
  • Heavy workout days & volume workout days
  • Aim for heavy strong reps on heavy days
  • Aim for as many reps as possible on volume days
  • Choose any exercises you want, just stick to the same muscle groups on specific days

Workout Day Types

You alternate between heavy days & volume days. You look at the recommended sets & reps for each day (above) & you stay within those numbers for whichever exercise you’re doing.

Heavy Days

Sets: Any number of sets between this number for whatever workout you’re doing.

Reps: Any number of reps between this number for whatever workout you’re doing.

Rest: Minutes between sets.

Volume Days

For the volume days, you do the same thing. You pick any number of sets you want to do within the recommended range as well as any number of reps also.


Bench Press (Heavy Day)

  • 6 sets x 5 reps = 30 reps total with 3 minute breaks
  • 4 sets x 4 reps = 16 reps total with 5 minute breaks
  • 3 sets x 2 reps = 6 reps total with 2 minute breaks

Deadlift (Volume Day)

  • 10 sets x 10 reps = 100 reps with 15 second breaks
  • 4 sets x 25 reps = 100 reps with 30 second breaks
  • 8 sets x 15 reps = 120 reps with 1 minute breaks


The program is six days in a row with one rest day at the end. You can setup your rest day for any day of the week, I just have mine on Sunday. The days are just PUSH, PULL, LEGS six days in a row & you alternate each day between heavy days & volume days.

Push Days

You basically pick one exercise from each muscle group & that’s it. If you finish your workout & you feel like doing more, you simply do more of whatever you want. Just stick to the same muscle groups or refer to the “Extras” tab below for other muscle groups you can work on.

Push Day Explained Further
  • Shoulders (Pick a shoulder exercise)
  • Chest (Pick a chest exercise)
  • Shoulders (Pick another one)
  • Chest (Pick another one)
  • Triceps (Pick a triceps exercise)


Same thing as the push days. You simply pick exercises from each muscle group. Pick any that you want to do. You can always do other ones that aren’t listed. These are just examples that are my favorite that I like sticking to. Always do what works best for you & what you enjoy the most.

Pull Day Explained Further
  • Lats (Upper back exercises, pick any)
  • Middle Back (I forgot to list some, click HERE for examples)
  • Middle Back (Another middle back exercise)
  • Traps (List of trap exercises, click HERE)
  • Forearms (Choose one)


You should get the idea by now.

  • Squat or Deadlift (Choose one from the lists above or do both if you have the energy or the endurance for it)
  • Hamstrings (Choose one)
  • Quads (Choose one)

If you go hard enough, usually three exercises is plenty for a proper leg workout. As always though, you can go hard & do extra reps of any exercises you want to do if you still have more in the tank.


These are extra muscle groups that I might add to my workout if I feel like I’ve still got energy to keep working out. These can be added to any day you choose. I usually try to hit abs as often as possible also. You can hit abs every day & they’ll be fine.

Exercise Goals

Setting goals are important. If you choose to follow along with my program, I recommend you set a few goals. Here’s examples of good goals you can set.

  • Single rep weight maxes you might want to aim for
  • Certain number of reps at a certain weight like I have listed above
  • Weight loss number in pounds
  • Weight gain number in pounds
  • Number of days in the gym per week (aim for 6 out of 6 in this program)
  • Total workouts for the month
  • Total time in the gym (minutes, hours, days, etc)


  • Your rest day can be any day
  • Always alternate between heavy days & volume
  • Pick exercises you like
  • If you start to plateau with an exercise (not getting stronger on that exercise) switch to a different exercise
  • Workout for like an hour to an hour & 15 minutes
  • Switch the sets & reps from week to week
  • Do a few warm up sets at the beginning of your workout for the first one or two exercises. After you’re warmed up, you can skip warm up sets for the rest of your workout.
  • Try & get stronger each week

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